Thursday, February 21, 2013

Making Zach's Valentine Box

I am one of those moms who like LOVE hands on projects!  I know a lot of parents cannot stand the time of year when its time to make a Valentine box but I love it.  Zach loves it too.  I think it comes at a perfect time of year too. It's too cold to go outside a play for long amounts of time so we turn the end of January-1st of February into art project time after school. Zachary made it super easy on me this year because he wanted to do the EXACT same Valentine box that we did last year when he was in Pre-K.  Last year "Aunt" Steph came over and helped Zachary, Elliott, & Jerrytt make 3D paper mache Angry Birds.  Since we did it last year I knew exactly what supplies we needed, exactly how long it would take, and exactly what it would look like. We did not have to re-create the wheel to design Zach's box.  So every afternoon from 4-5 we would work on the project.  

Zachary cutting out the green scraps to put on the newspaper mold.  
 Here's the Punch ball 25% done with a newspaper base.
 He LOVES projects just like his momma!
 The finished Valentine Box!
Zachary at his class party!  He was so proud of his Angry Bird!  I was so thankful that my baby boy still likes mom to do projects with him and so thankful for our week long project so that I could have some deep conversations about his likes, dislikes, friends, and his favorite things.  

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Nephie's 7th Birthday

On January 30th my sweet, kind nephew Elliott celebrated his 7th Birthday. I gasp for air every time I think about him being SEVEN years old.  How can the time go by so FAST!  I'll never forget the day when I became an "Aunt" to my sister's children. I was already an "AUNT" to my sweet nieces on Kevin's side but to be at the hospital and see my nephew only minutes old opened up a new kind of love in my heart.  My nephew is the #1 FAN to the PITTSBURGH STEELERS.  My sister was uber creative with his party and sent invites from the NFL Commissioner inviting each party guest to the NFL draft. Each party guest could pick the team of their choice for the draft. Of course our family chose the Pittsburgh Steelers because gold & black flows though our blood. One of the sweetest things about the party was that Elliotts sweet PE teacher, Coach Sweet & his wife came to the party. They were Patriot fans but it meant so much to Elliott and his classmates that their "coach" came to the party. he ate with them, played games with them, and drove them around in the race cars.  It was so kind & sweet. I named Coach Sweet the MVP of the party! 
 We celebrated at Incredible.Pizza with dinner, games, attractions, and prizes. It was a fun night!

Here's Uncle Matt in his favorite Steelers Nation attire....visor, hair and all!
 Birthday boys' little brother, my sweet nephew Jerrytt.  Jerrytt thought he was big stuff eating with all of Elliotts friends!

 The PARTY FAMILY and MR. Elliott himself! It was so much fun celebrating this little man.  You know it's fun when you look back in your back seat on the 20 minute ride home and both boys are asleep!
 Will totally loved the party too.

Happy Birthday Elliott Wood!  You are such a good boy, an excellent big brother, a compassionate nephew, and the best big boy cousin my children could have.  We love you Elliott! 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

INFLUENZA A....please leave us alone!

Two weeks ago our house was hit with the FLU!  Yet another reason why my blogging has been terrible. One Tuesday night I put Will to bed and within minutes I hear him throwing up in his crib. HUGE MESS!  Poor baby did not stop for 3 days.  I have never been so tired in my life. My mom and mother-in-law were a great help but it was still hard.  As soon as Will stopped Zachary & Kevin were infected with the flu bug and yucky symptoms.  I knew there was absolutely no way that I was going to avoid it.  I was just waiting for my turn.  Yep, sure enough by Saturday I was sick. 

 It took 1 week, 100 laundry tablets, lots of toliet paper, 5 boxs of klennex, 2 bottles of carpet cleaner, 2 lysol cans and 20 rolls paper towels for the flu to exit our house.  The week after I was playing catch up and my boys were eating me out of the house.  Their appetites returned and was in full force.

Poor Baby Will was miserable!

 The one good thing was that Will was VERY thirsty the entire time. He just kept drinking water. He would throw it up but the doctors told us it was a very good thing he kept drinking because most baby's end up in the hospital with IV fluids.  He loved his water like I love chocolate.
 This picture was taken one morning at 6am. It was day 3 and I had not bathed, slept, or changed my clothes in 48 hours.  I love the diet coke can in the background. It was like manna from heaven to me.
 Little man was so sick that I constantly were changing out the comforters that I used in college and Will's pjs. My washer and dryer were going non-stop, round the clock for 4 solid days. So thankful for those appliances.

 This was the first time the little man ate food in 3.5 day.  Not sure if you can see it but he has a noodle on his eyebrow. He was so excited to sit at the table and eat.
   So thankful that we avoided the hospital and that my family is all better.

Friday, February 8, 2013


Zachary started a new sport this winter. He could not wait to be a part of Upward Basketball!  Kevin decided he would coach Zach's team. I was shocked and very proud of Kevin for doing this. It's a little out of his element. Kevin's gift is to coach teenagers or adults not really kindergarteners but he has done great. Upwards is such an IMPRESSIVE program that our church hosts. Basically it's sports that focus on Christian principles.  Every child gets to play not matter their skill. Every child is encouraged to do their best.  They praise the child for effort, defense, offense, and Most-Christ Like player.  I have not seen one negative about this league.  They also give testimonies &/or devotions during halftime.  

What I love about kindergarteners is they are clueless about the game and the LOVE all the details. The uniforms, the cheerleaders, their name being announced, etc.  It's so much fun. 

Before each game the cheerleaders create a tunnel. Z's most favorite part :) Then they play music and announce each player.  Each week Zachary's biggest decision is whether to run out with his arms up, run out with the fist pump, run out and do a somersault, or run out and beat his chest like a gorilla.  Only Zach! 

 And here he is....ZACHARY #14

 Coach Kev coming out of the tunnel
 Action Photo. During Zachary's game he did was dribbling down the court. He totally did a 360 spin and started dribbling again.  The crowd went WILD. Not sure where he got that idea but it was priceless. We have it on video and it makes me smile. Maybe he has a career as a Globetrotter?

 I'm so thankful that our church has this league and so thankful that Zachary enjoys it so much!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Picasso & Monet

Last week was teacher appreciation week. Its a week where our elementary school focuses on spoiling our teachers and thanking them for a job well done.  One of the things they encouraged was for each student to make their teacher a card. They also had wear your teachers favorite color, Breakfast brunch, catered lunch, bring supplies for your teacher, etc.  It was a great week.  On Sunday night Zach insisted that he paint Mrs. A a card.  So we pulled out all the supplies and got busy. Of course Baby Bro had to participate so we got him all set up in a paint smock. Will loved it! 
 My little Picasso
 My Monet, Zachary working on water color painting of a cat for Mrs. A. Not sure if she likes cats or if that is just what Z wanted to put on her card but Zach was adement that it had to have a cat.

 Picasso's sign language for I AM ALL DONE!
 Will tried a little water colors but preferred stamping as his medium.
 Showing off his painting stamping style..
Not sure why I did not get a final picture of Zachary's amazing card for Mrs. A.  Probably because we had a spill, a melt down or an issue...who knows with a 16 month old, but the card was AMAZING and Zachary was so proud of his skills. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A BIG day for Zachary & our family

On December 9th, I woke up LATE. I was up a majority of the night with a cough so I slept on the couch.  Kevin woke me up with less than 45 minutes to get out the door for church.  Honestly, I was so exhausted I didn't feel like going to church but I knew that we needed to be at church. Zachary was not a fan of what I had laid out for him to wear. Normally I don't give in but I was tired and in a hurry. I told him it was okay to wear his red & green tie-dye shirt, jeans, and crocs.  Long story, semi short. On the drive to church, Zachary informed us that he was going to go forward at the invitation.  He said that Jesus wanted him and that it was time for him to accept Jesus.  Kevin and I have prayed over and with Zachary that he would come to have a personal relationship with Jesus since he was inutero. Kevin and I were thrilled but suddenly questioning ourselves on if he was ready. Kevin was funny he started asking Zachary theology 101 questions...I didn't even know some of the answers. I start thinking in my head, "OH NO! You can't go forward today you look like a total bum."  I think this shows that it was totally a God thing.  We couldn't have planned it.  We could not have made him go up there.  So during the invitation Zachary went forward with his dad. I stood in the pews and cried sobbed like a baby.  

Fast forward to January 6th when Zachary was baptized at church.  It was the most exciting of days. 30+ family & friends were on the first 4 pews cheering Zachary on.  Zachary was SO excited. 

At our church they have the person getting baptized put a piece of masking tape on their shoulder with their name on it. This is just a reminder to the pastor in case he would forget the persons name. 
 Prior to going back to the emersion pool, Brother Jim, our associate pastor had a one-on-one moment with Zachary and then prayed with all of us before the service. I love how the sun is shining through the window.  I will never forget this special moment.
 Zachary was ready to go!
 Proud Daddy!
 Proud Momma!

 Pastor Troy helping Zachary get to the special spot
Praying over our sweet boy
I baptise you In the name of the  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Zachary was so excited when he was done. He kept saying I want to do that again.
After the service we took a group picture.

We had 35+ of our closest family members and friends join us at Pasta House for lunch. No celebration is complete without cake. My only regret is I did not get a group picture of our amazing family that supports and loves us so much.

Kevin and I kept saying from December 9th to January 6th was so surreal. I mean you pray that your child becomes a follower of Christ.  The way I had it pictured in my head was so different than it actually was. It was totally a God-thing. We are so happy, thankful, and overwhelmed that we will spend eternity in Heaven with our Zachary.