Thursday, July 25, 2013

Our friends new puppy and a fun visit

Over the 4th of July went to our GREAT, AWESOME FRIENDS house for a couple of days.  I feel bad not posting pics of them first but I just had to share these pics of their new puppy, Sammy. Our boys FELL IN LOVE!  Sammy was so good with them.

 Seriously, Sammy didn't mind one bit that Will would leash him in the house and walk him around. It was priceless!

Ok now on to the people pics!  We drove to the Moss's house on Thursday the 4th.  You might recognize them...because we really try to have at least 2 weekends a year with them.  Click here to see our Christmas weekend together.  Or this post when Becki and I were pregnant at the same time. Once at our house the weekend after Thanksgiving and once at their house in the summer.  This year it worked perfect to celebrate over the Independence weekend holiday.

We chose the day after the 4th to hit Grants Farm.  So did the rest of STL.  It turned out  much better than expected considering the parking line was so long.  Here we are waiting to get on the tram into the park.  Elin, Becki and me
 The studs waiting in line....gosh these two crack me up. They have been good friends since 1st grade. I would say Kindergarten but they didn't talk to each other in Kindergarten...who knows why?

 The highlight of the day was when Zach, Libby, and Mr. Ryan got to ride on a camel.  HUGE DEAL... in the eyes of a 6 and 4 year old.

 Group pic at Sweet new favorite place to eat. I sure wish we had one where we live.  We had the bestest time with our sweet dear friends.  Ryan, Becki, Libby & Elin are the best hosts. It's a wonder I have a smile on my face because Becki took me to her YMCA fitness boot camp step class. I thought I was going to die.  I think the smile is that I survived and got to eat lunch

We went to Ryan's mom neighborhood pool.  This little guy had a blast. He didn't need his puddle jumper on because he wouldn't get more than his big toe in the water but he sure did look cute!
 Later that night while we were playing outside.  Will and Elin.  3 weeks apart. Elin is older
 A little sneek of holding hands.   Future 25 years.

Dinner is served!

 I couldn't resist taking a pic of Zachary's shoes next to Will's.  My how time goes by. Please slow down!
 On July 6th, we went to another good friend of ours house. This was Kevin's BFF from Kindergarten and his wives home.  We just love our visits with Adam & Jodie.  Zachary fit right into their family.  Ashton & Peyton were like big brothers and best friends with Zachary. Meanwhile Princess Eliana took a liking to Mr. Will.
 Jodie totally out did herself with a lunch/dinner of steak, rolls, and lots of fresh yummy salads.  I think she spent the entire morning cooking for us.  It was such a treat.
 Here's Will at the adult table taking it all in!
 Will LOVED Adam's dad, Wally. Wally was so kind, gentle to read to Will, play with Will, and hold him. It was priceless!

After our yummy dinner the kiddos had BOMB POPS and the adults indulged on an ice cream bar. YUMMO!

 In less than 2 hours these kiddos became best of friends.  Kevin and I talked the entire time about our close friends (even the 4 other Hillsboro Hawk families  that we didn't have time to visit with) from his hometown that we love and adore.  We are all so similar. Same values, beliefs, and families.  We wish we all lived closer to one another.

Our group picture with the Kautzners
 Funny Face...meanwhile Adam & Kevin look the exact same!
 Our precious time with great friends. Adam & Kevin
 By the time we returned from the car ride my friend Becki had all of our weekend pictures into an album and she edited a few of my favorite pictures.  You better believe these are going up in my house.  Thanks Becki!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Random Pics on my phone

I thought I would post some funny pictures today.  I am always snapping pictures on my phone. I don't realize how bizarre or funny they are until I am scrolling through them months later.  Not sure if I am the only one who takes odd pictures like these or if its just my kids that are silly.  Anyways, don't judge..just smile. 

So we got a new spot remover vacuum.  You would have thought I purchased the first TV ever invented.  All 3 of my boys watched the spot bot for the entire 6 minute cycle.  They did not move, take their eyes of it, or talk while it was running.  I  might just need to pull out the spot bot when I need some peace and quiet. I honestly thought that my oldest was going to be making stains on purpose to see it in action again. 

Son #1 at Sam's club...he was freezing.  He rode around the whole store like this.

This one isn't that funny but it is so random.  My oldest child never napped or fell asleep anywhere.  Meanwhile son #2 can sleep anywhere at any time and he asks for naps.  My mom & the boys were in KC shopping when Will fell asleep between stores.  I thought for sure he would wake up when removing him from the carseat but he didn't. He just slept through it all.

These two boys mean the world to me and make me smile like crazy.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A special souvenir

My parents recently returned from a 2 week road trip. We missed them! A couple days after their return my mom called and asked if they could come out to our house to deliver something to Zach & Will.  Of course we said YES!  My dad couldn't wait another day to give Zach the gift that he personally selected on the trip.  My dad's a great dad but he's not really a shopper.  Usually my mom does all the shopping in the family so when my mom told me that he picked out Zach's souvenir I couldn't wait to see what it was.....

My parents went to the HOME OF THE LOUISVILLE SLUGGER factory.  While there they purchase custom baseball bats for my nephew and Zachary.  They figured Jerrytt and Will were too little for a HUGE bat so they got them mini bats.  THEY.WERE.A.HIT!  Literally! 

 Zachary was in awe that it had his name on it!

I love this picture of my parents with Zach!

 Will showing his souvenir!

Since the personalized bat has been at our house I have heard these comments from Zach...
"I love you Bat!"
"I'm going to bed and I am taking my bat"
"Can I bring my new bed to church with us?"
"I'm bringing the bat in the van. I know it can't come into the stores with us but I am still bringing it."

Seriously, this kid love the bat!  Thanks Grams & Pops