Thursday, June 13, 2013

Philly Day 3

Kevin had classes all day on Saturday so my mom and I took the boys on a big adventure to my cousin Jen & Jacks house.  We were super excited! We took the subway. AKA the train! 
Reunited with cousin Duke!
 They were instant buds!
 Sweet, Sweet Bubba with Will.  Bubba was 10 years old when we saw him. We were so glad we got to see Bubs before he passed away and went to Doggy Heaven.  Bubs the Bulldog was the best dog in the whole world. Our hearts are still breaking that he is gone. He made our family laugh, smile, and filled our hearts with pure joy.  We miss you Bubba!

 Aunt Ann playing with Will on the monkey bar!
 My sweet cousin, Jen with Duke. We had the best time playing and eating at their house.  The best things about my 3 Pennsylvania cousins is that no matter how long it has been since we have talked, seen each other, texted, e-mailed, or called we alway pick right back up where we were at. It's like no time has come between us. It's also fun because we all remember the same things about growing up at Pappy's house.  Theres nothing in the world like my girl cousins!  I love them so!

 Duke wore his baseball gloves all day long. It was so cute!
 Cousin Jack was the BEST cousin that day. He just keep bringing out more toys, yard equipment, sports gear, and then he played with the boys all day. He was giving Zach golf lessons. Then he would be the pitcher for baseball, etc. I don't think he ever sat down. He's so good with kids!

 My Aunt Ann makes the BEST fruit cup salad. Here is Will LOVING IT!

 Duke needed to take a break in his umbrella chair

 A family picture.  Thanks Jack & Jen for a great day!

 Duke, Avah (Duke's cousin on Jens mom side), and Zach.  These three had the best time together.
 After we got home from our day trip Kevin and I went to the Iowa Alumni Reception and Dinner. Grams stayed back at the hotel with the boys. They had a room service picnic, played lots of Old Maid, and watched Animal. Planet. We all had a great day!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day 2 Philadelphia!

Kevin didn't have classes on Friday so we tried to pack a lot of fun into that day. Our morning started at Please Touch Museum.  For some reason I thought it was "Please Touch Me" museum and that is what I called it. I guess I said it so much that when my mom got a taxi from our hotel doorman she said she wanted a taxi to "Touch Me" museum.  The doorman smirked and I said, "MOM, It's Please!" So she said, "PLEASE TOUCH ME!"  It was so funny. Completely embarrassed my mom but Kevin and I could not get our composure. Either could the door man.  We were the first 4 people in the museum that day. In fact for a WHOLE hour we were the only ones in the place.  It was great because by 10 a.m. there were a TON of field trip kids everywhere.  We had the best time. Here's some of my favorite pics from our morning at the Children's Museum. 

Will and me on the BIG piano from the movie BIG! 
 Will then found a mini piano he loved!

 One area was all the children's nursery rhymes. The boys loved it.
 The second floor was all sorts of jobs. Zachary & Will loved the manual labor spots.
 Will picking carrots in the garden
 There was a "pretend" McD's. Z loved it. He worked all positions behind the counter, making lunch for Kevin. **Please take note NO ONE is in this museum at 9:00 a.m. on a Friday :)

 He even made Kevin pay for his value meal.
 Swiping the debit card hotel key.
 Water/Weather station. Kevin and Zach could have spent all day making boats and sending them through the boat races.

This picture shows how my mom the boys Grams will do anything they ask her to. Will kept begging her to sit on the swan and she did it.  SUPER GRAMS!
 Zachary shopping at the store
Checking out at the local supermarket
 Me running on the hamster wheel

 Daddy & Zach shooting rockets into outer space
This next picture is hilarious!  Because there was 5 of us we had to take 2 taxis. One taxi was waiting so Kevin & Will took that one so they could take the carseat back to our hotel room. Mom, Zach, and I were going to get the second taxi and meet Kevin at noon. My Aunt Ann & Uncle Wayne (who live in PA) took the train into Philly for the day and were going to meet us at noon.  After about 10 phone calls to the taxi company, several phone call confirmations to my cell phone from the taxi co. , and 75 minutes our taxi finally arrived. It really was not a big deal because it was beautiful and cool.  Kevin and Will met up with my aunt & uncle, however it was just rude that our taxi assigned to us kept picking up other people on the way to our scheduled pick up. My mom flashed this picture of me frustrated at the taxi situation and me praying for a random taxi to come get us. 
 Meanwhile Z &  I played freeze tag... We had so much fun that we almost forgot about the taxi delay!

 Finally we caught up with Aunt Ann & Uncle Wayne.  Zach was pooped so Will shared his stroller with him.
 Waiting to get into the Liberty Bell
 Zachary couldn't wait to see the Liberty Bell.  For months he has checked out lots of books about the historical sites in Philly. My mom read a ton of books to him on the plane so he was stuff full of knowledge about this bell.
 Little Will and my Uncle Wayne have a special connection. They absolutely adore one another. It's priceless to see them together!
 We took the Ride the Ducks tour through Philly. Poor Will couldn't take it anymore. Gosh it sure is nice to have a baby that just sleeps wherever we are at. I do not take this for granted for one second!
Our second day was a BLAST! Full of lots of fun and our family.  What a great day!