Friday, April 26, 2013


When my oldest son was a baby I used to get super frustrated or tired of messes.  I felt like every time I turned around I was cleaning something up. Oh wait...I was.  This time around 5 years later with son #2, I am still cleaning up messes. However I have taken on a new approach. My husband has too.  We have seen how fast our boys are growing up.  Zachary hardly needs my help for anything, except getting those darn dirty baseball cleats on.  He's so independent. I am happy and proud of him for being able to be self reliant however it makes me sad to see how fast time has flown by.  I know in about 5 more years he won't even want to hang out with me.  At least he still needs hugs and kisses.  Baby 19 month old Will still needs his momma to help him to everything. It's exhausting but this time around I am enjoying every second. Even if it is demanding, exhausting, and messy.  Both of my boys LOVED/LOVE to feed themselves.  They want to do it by themselves. So we let them and then clean up the after math. Here's a daily example of our post lunch table....

 Exhibit B: Will's chair and the floor. This is about the only reason I would see why we need a puppy.  However it isn't enough to make me go to the shelter and get one.

This used to frustrate me but I am realizing that God gave us this day and stage. It's a blessing.  It's a blessing for me to be a momma to these precious and messy boys.  It's a gift.  I treasure it and will look back one day sad that they have moved on and don't need their momma.  So today I am looking at my day in paradise (aka a messy kitchen) and giving thanks to God for my baby's.  I love them so!

Monday, April 22, 2013


This year on my moms birthday we celebrated with a Girls Day Out luncheon + Will.  We enjoyed a tea room lunch with Ruey, "Aunt" Kelli, "Aunt" Steph, Rachel, Me, & Will. We had the best waitress who catered to our every wish and more. I wasn't planning on bringing Will but due to other circumstances I did and he was absolutely PERFECT!  I.MEAN.AMAZING!  Everyone loved having him there and he was SO good!  

It was a fun time celebrating mom with lunch, hot tea, dessert, coffee, and mom opening her gifts.  One of our gifts we got Grams was a self adjusting lipstick. I had seen it on another blog and thought it was a great gift.  Basically it is a clear gloss that you apply to your lips and it adjust to a light lip color.  It was funny because we all passed around this lipgloss and it totally looked different on each other.  It was a fun time! 

 Two very special ladies in my life!
 Grams opening her lovely gifts!
 Rue Rue getting some sugar from Will!

 Group Picture underneath the PEACOCK painting

 Will carrying out Grams gift sacks.  He was the gentleman of the day!
To be surrounded by such amazing women in our family is so inspiring to me.  These individuals have been amazing moms, have/had dynamic careers, and loved their families to pieces.  They are such good role models to me.  So thankful for my mom/Grams and celebrating this day with her!

Friday, April 19, 2013


My BFF Melody formed a Color Run 5K team so that we could get discount codes and save some money. She posted on FB that we had a team and next thing you know our team of 4 went to a team of 20ish.  It was a lot of fun! I had shirts designed for our "Rainbow Rebels" team, Mel found rainbow socks, and we get ready for the walk.  Zachary was so excited.  He was excited about the "paint" and very excited about getting do something with just me.  I never thought he really noticed but the morning we left Kevin & Will at home he said, "Yes! Just me and my mom!" 

Before the Run

At the Run!

 After the Run!

We had the best time!  We had colored boogers for 2 days but other than that it was a blast! 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Goodbye tooth G! Hello Tooth Fairy!

It seems like the past few months has been nothing but loose teeth and the Tooth Fairy for Zachary.    After Zach lost tooth D a few weeks ago,  Kevin said that tooth G was very loose too but a little jarred between the adjacent teeth.  He told Zach that he needed to get that other tooth out soon so that everything said symmetrical.  That was music to Zachary's ears.  I picked him up at school and he had wiggled his tooth all day.  It still was still jammed so Kevin brought a few things home from the office.  These pics crack me up because it was really not this dramatic, traumatic or scary.  I honestly think Kevin could have pulled it with his fingers but I think he liked knowing he was needed.  Zachary was in heaven.  Kevin was in heaven.  The tooth came out in our living room! 
 Dr. Dad holding the gauze in place.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

HE is RISEN! Happy Easter!

Before getting ready for Easter Services at church we had a mini Easter egg hunt. 

Will's Basket
Zachary's Basket

Will is not quite sure of what is going on. 

Peeking into his basket

 He found an egg!

Trying to get an automatic pic before we head to church. Will was so scared of the camera!

Pictures after church at Grams & Pops House

Will loved his goodies from Aunt Achel, Uncle Matt, Elliott, & Jerrytt

He had to stop for a hug

The Easter Egg Hunt

 My mom had decorative eggs in her front lawn. Will thought those were the best. He tried to stuff them into his little bucket. I was adorable!

Zachary changed his clothes immediately following our family photo. Thankfully he put on a tshirt and shorts...normally he's in his boxer. I love this warm blooded boy!

 Will found my Pappy's rocking chair. He LOVED it!

The Easter Eggs &  the Easter Baskets are fun but the real reason we celebrate is because Jesus died on a cross, He rose from the Dead, and he Reigns in Heaven forever.  Thank you God!