Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Zach is 7!

The entire month of September is one GIGANTIC birthday celebration for our boys.  It ended with a huge exlamation point on Saturday September 28th!  I love birthdays, celebrations, and parties but to be honest this momma was exhausted from making each event special for each boy. I was also a little tired of cake and sweets. Never thought you would hear me say that, right?  Let me just say that with all the social media sites out there I think moms feel pressure to make your child's birthday something out of this world.  Personally I do not feel that pressure. I WANT to make their day special. I WANT them to feel like they are the most important person in the world that day. I WANT them to remember that their momma & daddy went out of their normal day to celebrate them.  With that said, by the time Zachary's birthday rolled around we had already celebrated Will's 2nd birthday, a joint family birthday, AND a family night the night before Zach's birthday at a pizza buffet and football game.  So his actual birthday he asked for a "regular, relaxing" day.  WHOO HOO! Man I love this kid!  So we started the day with boxed blueberry muffins and presents. 
 We already gave him his gift of a new bike at the family party.  HE WAS SO EXCITED! But he needed something to open that day so I saved back the new bike helmet that we got him. No need to worry he was not without a bike helmet the past 2 weeks. He just wore his old one.
 Kevin totally shocked me to pieces. He said he had a gift for Zach.  Kevin is an excellent shopper but I usually am the person to buy the boys gifts.  He gives Zach this big bag.  Zach had to basically climb in the bag to find his gift.
 Basically Kevin was returning some hunting gear at a local store and found football gear 75% off so he bought a helmet and pads for Zach for next year so that we won't have to rent them.  Zach was thrilled. I was proud of Kevin for surprising Zach and saving money!

 He had to go back into the bag for the helmet!

 Later that morning we met Grams at a local farm for a Fall Festival. It was supposed to storm at noon so we did as much as we could before the rain came.  It was a blast. I will post more pictures from this in another post.  After the farm we came home for naps before our dinner out with friends.

 Zachary shares his birthday with one of his best buddies from Kindergarten, Spencer. Spencer's family recently moved and Spencer goes to another local school this year. The boys miss one another greatly so we decided to meet up for dinner on their birthdays to celebrate. We went to a local hibachi restaurant.  It was a hit!  Spencer's mom made both boys special BIRTHDAY shirts.  It was so sweet of her to bring Zach's by the day before so he could wear it the entire day.
 The two Sept 28th Boys!

Birthday Dragon

 To finish off the birthday night I brought a SKYLANDER portal cake that made both boys smile!  They loved it!

We are so thankful for the past 7 years with Zachary. He surprises me everyday with his 10,000 questions. I am so thankful for goo.gle because I am often looking up answers to his questions.  He is so smart, bright, funny, and inquisitive.  He makes us so proud of him for his decisions that he makes and for being an excellent role model to his peers and little brother. Our prayer for Zach is that he will continue to seek and learn about God, he will serve others, and continue to be a life-long learner.  We love you Zachary!

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