Monday, February 17, 2014

100 Days of First Grade

Zachary's teacher this year is SO brave. She always goes above and beyond to make special days extra special. Honestly when she told me what her plan was for 100 day I started to sweat and shake my head. I thought NO WAY!  In fact I got really nervous. But it turned out fun, awesome, and the kids were great. She had several parents come in to help and the kids LOVED it! They basically grouped items in 10's and placed them on their colored t-shirt.  After there were 100 items the parents sprayed bleach on their shirt.  The kids loved the final shirt and loved wearing them on the 100th  day of school. Personally the extra cleanse of bleach in the class room was two-fold…fun project and a germ-killing with the bleach.  

 Another thing Zachary's teach did was to convert each kids picture into a 100 year old.  We had to get the app at home and try it.  We are STILL using this app. It's hilarious. Kinda creepy and scary but hilarious!

Here's Zach's rough draft to his 100 year old paper.  I loved it because it talk about him and his wife at 100 years old. Priceless! 

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